Hey, Sis! I'm Kandice!
Author, podcaster, and heart healing coach who is committed to helping you move on after your breakup, God's way!

Welcome! I’m so glad you found me! Pull up a chair and take a seat at the table with me. Isn’t God good? He has so many promises in His Word for us, His children. And quite honestly, I’m trying to grab a hold of as many of them as I can. Therefore, I make it a point to taste and see…I taste one of God’s promises at a time and see His goodness, and I want to help you do the same! It’s been a pretty sweet journey for me thus far! Come join me!
So a little about me. Let’s see…I was born and raised in South East Louisiana (not too far from New Orleans). Now, I’m more South West Louisiana. I’m really a country girl at heart. I love small towns, but God has given me big dreams. I have an amazing husband. God blessed me to birth a daughter and a son, and he blessed me with a bonus daughter as well. They are all so incredible! I have been a nationally certified school psychologist for over a decade. It’s been my honor to serve the special needs community during this time. Those children really light up the world.
God is currently stretching me and expanding me. Who knew I had a creative inside of me? I’m an author, a podcaster, and I have a YouTube channel. As I grow to become the best version of myself, God is calling me to help other women do the same. Here, you will find information to heal from heartbreak, go deeper in your relationship with God, and become the woman God created you to be. I have experienced heartbreak time and time again, and I gained so much wisdom during those seasons that God wants me to share with you. I believe no matter where we are in our relationship with God, we can always go deeper. I also learned, and I’m continuing to learn, a lot about who God created me to be and what He created me to do. I have so much to share with you!
I’m so glad you pulled up to the table with me and decided to take a seat! I believe you are ready to feast on the promises of God with me and become the best version of yourself, the woman God created you to be! Let’s eat sis!
Kandice A. Bateast